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Frank has been featured on radio and television shows talking about his memory.

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Only 60 People In The World Can Recall Every Single Day Of Their Life

What would it look like if you remembered every single day of your life since childhood? Frank Healy is 56 and he remembers every day of his life since he was 6 yrs old and is classified by the University of California as having Hyperthymesia or Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory.

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Who Could Forget with Frank Healy: June 4, 2018

Frank Healy, who remembers every day of his life since he was six years old and is now 58 joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel. Frank remembers the day of the week, the weather, news, and personal events. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor and life coach. He has written several books on healing your memories and today is the launch of his memoir “Who Could Forget”.

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How You Can Learn From Your Memories

Frank Healy, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Life Coach who helps people heal the pain of their past through his counseling and coaching joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development & Mental Health Channels. Frank has written four books, they include "Living WIth A Phenomenal Memory" "Memory Brain Exercises", "Heal Your Memories, Change Your Life", and "The Ultimate Guide To Healing Your Past".

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An Episode You Won't Forget:Our memories can be very powerful. A certain scent or song can bring us back to a precise moment in our lives. Do you ever relish in your good memories?

My Publications

  • Empower Yourself Through Your Memories:

    Use The Lessons From Your Past to Create a Happy Present and Future (Heal Your Memories Book 3)

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  • The Ultimate Guide To Healing Your Past:

    Learn To Heal Your Past Through Stories And Exercises (Heal Your Memories Book 2) Kindle Edition

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  • Heal Your Memories, Change Your Life: Heal Yourself From the Past to Create a Phenomenal Present and Future (Volume 1)

    Do you ever wish that something in your life had turned out differently? Are there any memories that keep resurfacing in your head? Do you wish that you could remember more?

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  • Heal Your Memories, Change Your Life

    Do you ever wish that something in your life had turned out differently? Are there any memories that keep popping into your head?

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  • Memory Brain Exercises

    The first in a series entitled Phenomenal Memory For All, a series of books designed for the reader to achieve memory improvement.

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  • Living With A Phenomenal Memory

    In 1966, five-year-old Frank Healy was sick and stayed home from school. Bored and too ill to get out of bed, Frank began looking at a calendar and memorized an entire calendar year in a few days...

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